Campus STEM Highlights in Cyberinfrastructure

As part of the Cyberinfrastructure 2011 Conference, we are asking that each participating institution suggest an institutional talk to be presented by a faculty/staff member during the Campus STEM Highlights in Cyberinfrastructure portion of the agenda.

Each campus will have to opportunity to share highlights of a STEM research project or workforce training tool that incorporates the use of Cyberinfrastructure of one form or another. Alternatively, a campus may suggest a presentation on how a current program can be improved through the use of Cyberinfrastructure. Programs that incorporate Cyberinfrastructure topics, but are outside of traditional STEM disciplines, can be presented as well (Possible Example: Use of High Performance Computing in Art Design).

PDF - STEM Highlights
STEM Highlights Invitation to Present Letter is available for download here.

Remember that the audience for this conference includes all NDUS campuses, Tribal Colleges and K12 schools. The information you provide can lead to opportunities for collaboration and new partners. Contact your campus' conference facilitator for more details.

Conference Facilitator Listings...